How we feeling riiiiight smack dab in the middle of the holiday season?!
Did Christmas (and Hanukkah-- starts 25th this year too, right?!) sneak up REAL QUICK on anyone else?
The whole "late Thanksgiving" thing this year has me shook.
As they say on the socials, "I was today years old..." when I learned that Thanksgiving is on the FOURTH Thursday of every November.
In all my 45 years I've thought the rule was that Thanksgiving is the THIRD Thursday in November.
Doesn't "third Thursday" have such a better ring to it? Isn't that how we can know when to cook the bird?! ISN'T THAT WHEN THE PILGRIMS DID IT?!
But no. No one taught the calendar gods the benefits of alliteration and so here we are. Stuck with one fewer Thursday to get all our holiday errands done.
I'd like to say this is a new feeling to me. It's not. It's literally an every year feeling.
Case in point👇
Ooops. Thank goodness he's the forgiving type.
So let's do THIS instead, friends... let's take those standards right on down a notch or four.
Let's not worry about Clark Griswold's instructions to make it the "hap hap happiest Christmas" and let's just make it "happy-ish." Happy enough.
And while we're on that word, let's all remember that's what we are and what we have too. Enough. You're enough. They're enough. The amount of presents under the tree, or people around your table, or times Uncle Bob has tried to spark a political discussion at the family gathering... it's all enough.
I know one thing that makes me feel like I truly have enough is all of you. 😌
All the friends, family, colleagues, social media connections and just every single part of this community here with me every month warms my heart. I hope you feel the same.
See you next month for another tip to help you hear and be heard, but let’s not be strangers between now and then, k?
Here are some ways to connect (and get lots of free content) between now and then:
And of course you know I’d always love to work with you and your people if you’re ever looking for a keynote speaker or corporate training. Just let me know the details here:
Thanks for being here and thanks for working at getting on the same page with the people in your life. We're all in this together!
Hope you have a hap-hap-happiest (enough) holiday!